10 Natural Toothache Treatments Your Dentist Is Hiding From You

Symptoms of toothache 

Here are some of the most typical signs of toothache:

  • Tooth swelling 
  • Sharp and constant pain 
  • Headache 
  • Fever 

Although tooth pain is often induced by tooth cavities, other factors that can guide to toothache are:

  • A damaged filling 
  • Tooth decay 
  • Gum disease 
  • Tooth fracture 
  • Abscessed tooth 
  • An abnormal bite 
  • Tooth eruption 
  • Repetitive motions, such as grinding teeth or chewing hard food 

10 Natural toothache treatments 

Today, there are many new ways to treat toothaches. But in the past, people used natural remedies like:

1. Essential oil 

A 2014 study revealed the effectiveness of essential oils in preventing plaque formation. Unlike chlorhexidine, which may cause tooth staining, essential oils offer a viable alternative for chlorhexidine rinse. Furthermore, essential oils possess antimicrobial properties that combat harmful bacteria in the mouth, contributing to improved oral health.

2. Peppermint tea 

A study conducted in 2013 highlighted the potent antiseptic properties of peppermint oil, which are effective against oral pathogens. To harness these benefits, one can steep peppermint leaves in hot water for 15 to 20 minutes, creating a soothing tea that not only helps prevent toothaches and bad breath but also promotes overall oral health.

3. Clove oil 

Clove oil, abundant in eugenol known for its robust anesthetic and antiseptic capabilities, effectively eliminates germs and alleviates gum discomfort. A simple blend of a teaspoon of coconut oil with several drops of clove oil can be prepared. Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and gently apply it to the affected area for relief. Additionally, chewing fresh clove leaves offers another natural remedy to ease toothache and promote oral well-being.

4. Vanilla extract 

The soothing scent of vanilla has been found to provide relief from the anxiety often associated with toothaches. Furthermore, the alcohol content in vanilla extract contributes to pain relief. To benefit from these properties, simply dab a bit of vanilla extract onto your finger and gently apply it to the affected area twice daily for soothing relief.

5. Turmeric paste 

Create a dental health elixir by blending together a tablespoon of coconut oil, a few drops of peppermint oil, and a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Once the paste is ready, apply it to your teeth and gently brush for a few minutes. Finish by rinsing thoroughly with cold water for a refreshing and cleansing experience.

Turmeric is renowned for its antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it a potent ally against a range of oral health issues such as bad breath, tooth irritations, stains, and gum redness. Regular use of turmeric can contribute significantly to maintaining a healthy and vibrant smile.

6. Ginger and cayenne paste 

Combine equal amounts of cayenne and ginger to create a paste, adding water as needed. Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and apply it to the affected areas for relief from swelling, toothaches, bleeding, and infections. Allow the paste to remain in place for some time to maximize its effectiveness in soothing and protecting your oral health.

7. Salt water gargle 

Prepare a soothing oral rinse by adding 1 teaspoon of salt to a cup of boiling water. Allow the mixture to cool to a comfortable temperature, then gargle it for at least thirty seconds. This simple remedy can effectively alleviate tooth pain and infections, reduce swelling, and eliminate debris for improved oral health.

8. Myrrh 

Harnessing its astringent properties, myrrh is effective in reducing inflammation and eradicating bacteria. Prepare a myrrh infusion by adding a teaspoon of myrrh to 2 cups of water. Simmer the mixture for a few minutes, allow it to cool, and then consume it several times a day to benefit from its therapeutic effects.

9. Raw garlic 

Garlic is renowned for its ability to combat viruses, fungi, and bacteria effectively. To activate its beneficial compounds, crush a garlic clove and allow it to rest for a few minutes. Then, mix in a pinch of salt and apply this natural remedy to the affected area for relief. Additionally, chewing garlic cloves directly can also help alleviate toothache discomfort.

10. Ice 

To alleviate toothache and reduce swelling, consider applying a cold compress or ice pack to the cheek area. This simple and soothing remedy can provide quick relief from discomfort and inflammation associated with dental issues.

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