Why You’re Likely Deficient In Magnesium and How To Get More Of It

Roughly half of Americans have a shortage of magnesium in their bodies, a condition known as hypomagnesemia. Despite its stealthy nature, this shortage can cause severe health problems.

Magnesium plays a crucial role in our bodies, supporting various functions and contributing to overall well-being. Its potent properties are believed to enhance our health significantly.

If you’re experiencing cramps, mood swings, or muscle stiffness, you may be lacking magnesium. Magnesium is involved in around 100 bodily processes and over 300 enzyme reactions. It’s a vital component of bone, brain, and muscle tissues, necessary for muscle relaxation, energy production, and organ function stimulation in body cells.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency 

Many individuals who experience magnesium deficiency are often unaware of it. Nevertheless, here are some prevalent symptoms associated with low magnesium levels:

  1. Anxiety and depression 
  2. Muscle cramps and twitches 
  3. ADD 
  4. Angina 
  5. Irritability 
  6. Autism 
  7. Asthma 
  8. Insomnia 
  9. Palpitations 
  10. Sensitivity 
  11. Chronic fatigue 
  12. Migraines 
  13. Kidney stones 
  14. Fibromyalgia 
  15. Reflux 
  16. Obesity 
  17. IBS 
  18. Diabetes 
  19. Irritable bladder 
  20. Hypertension 
  21. Osteoporosis 
  22. PMS 
  23. IBS 
  24. Menstrual cramps 
  25. Inflammation 
  26. Mental disorders 
  27. High blood pressure 

Causes of magnesium deficiency 

Magnesium deficiency can stem from various causes, spanning from the body’s loss of magnesium to inadequate dietary intake.

The majority of our diet, including items like white flour, dairy products, meat, processed foods, and refined products, lacks magnesium. Additionally, an inactive and unhealthy lifestyle can contribute to magnesium depletion. Furthermore, elevated consumption of alcohol, caffeine, antibiotics, salt, diuretics, excessive sweating, stress, and other factors can reduce magnesium levels in the body.

Health issues related to magnesium loss include poor absorption, diabetes, chronic diarrhea, bone syndrome, and celiac disease.  

To avoid magnesium loss and begin replenishing it, you should:

  1. Discover activities that help you relax and unwind.
  2. Cut back on or avoid alcohol, soda, sugary foods, caffeine, and salt.
  3. Consult a healthcare professional to determine if any medications you’re taking contribute to magnesium depletion.

Magnesium-rich foods 

To naturally boost your magnesium levels, incorporate foods that are rich in magnesium into your diet. Some examples include:

  1. Garlic 
  2. Soybeans 
  3. Barley 
  4. Dandelion 
  5. Kelp 
  6. Wheat germ 
  7. Beans 
  8. Almonds 
  9. Avocado 
  10. Shrimp 
  11. Cashews 
  12. Figs 
  13. Collard greens 
  14. Dates 
  15. Tofu 
  16. Brown rice 
  17. Walnuts 
  18. Millet 
  19. Dulse 
  20. Rye 
  21. Pumpkin seeds 
  22. Dark chocolate 
  23. Peanuts 
  24. Popcorn 

Magnesium is present in both animal and plant-based foods. While nuts and seeds are the most abundant sources, leafy green vegetables, beans, and grains also contain significant amounts of magnesium.

Magnesium deficiency is a prevalent health concern, often with subtle symptoms until levels drop significantly. It can lead to muscle cramps, fatigue, cognitive issues, elevated blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and osteoporosis.

A straightforward blood test can confirm whether you have magnesium deficiency. It’s advisable to consult a doctor to explore potential underlying health issues.

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